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OKURKOVY SALAT sterilovany s paprikou Этикетка на банке "из-под чего-то", ныне используемой как пепельница: OKURKOVY SALAT sterilovany s paprikou Slozeni: 60% okurky, 40% plodova a cibulova zelenina. |
[NEWS] PEPSI ^%$#^!!!!! Как это я проглядел такой сильный аргумент!!! PEPSI - дрянь, потому что на нем (ней?) окрошку не сделаешь!!!!!! И вообще из пепси ни кожи ни рожи - кипятить нельзя, в радиатор автомобиля зальешь - налет образуется (в этом смысле спрайт очень ничего), температура замерзания уже при 0'C, пол помоешь - липнет, пепсиколовый компресс ни от чего не помогает, куда ни прикладывай, женщины считали, что от беременности предохраняет - туфта, в бутылку из-под него цветы поставишь - опрокидывается, зубные протезы на ночь в нем оставишь - не очищаются (опять реклама обманула!), со спиртным его только восьмиклассники разводят... |
KONSPEKT ODNOGO KRUTOGO STUDENTA NA ODNOJ ZABOJNOJ LEKCII Советы первокурснику или варианты конспектирования скучных лекций Возможности pyсского языка воистинy неисчеpпаемы. Вот напpимеp конспект лекции ( газета "Унивеpситетская жизнь" от 09.12.91) |
National Condom Week Slogans Cover your stump before you hump. Before you attack her, wrap your whacker. Don't be a loner, cover that boner. You can't go wrong if you shield your dong. |
TESTERS REPORT PROBLEMS WITH WINDOWS TP BETA PART 2 NEW YORK, Apr 1, Reuter - Microsoft's new Windows TP has a long way to go before final release, say beta testers of the product. Testers report numerous problems with the thought icons included with the product. "I can see a fish tail representing some useful things, but the Program Manager? It's just not intuitive," says Clyde Revlon, an MIS specialist with McBalmy, Crain, and Larch. "Whoever came up with these thought icons needs therapy. I'm sure the guy's Yorkshire terrier is wonderful, but as the File Manager? A golden retriever I could understand. And that sweater the terrier is wearing, it's just too loud. Let me control the sweater." |
TESTERS REPORT PROBLEMS WITH WINDOWS TP BETA NEW YORK, Apr 1, Reuter - Microsoft's new Windows TP has a long way to go before final release, say beta testers of the product. Testers report numerous problems with the thought icons included with the product. "I can see a fish tail representing some useful things, but the Program Manager? It's just not intuitive," says Clyde Revlon, an MIS specialist with McBalmy, Crain, and Larch. "Whoever came up with these thought icons needs therapy. I'm sure the guy's Yorkshire terrier is wonderful, but as the File Manager? A golden retriever I could understand. And that sweater the terrier is wearing, it's just too loud. Let me control the sweater." |
MICROSOFT ANNOUNCES BETA RELEASE OF WINDOWS TP REDMOND, WA (JAN. 13) BUSINESS WIRE - Microsoft Corp. announced Thursday that a beta release of Windows TP, the telepathic operating system, was released to 1,500 test sites worldwide. Developed using the soon-to-be released Microsoft C for Neurons, Windows TP bypasses awkward user interfaces by interacting directly with the user's brain. Using the Microsoft MindMouse, users can visualize images in their mind, and the application associated with that image (or "thought icon") is executed. Users can visualize pictures to create Windows Bitmap images, or think text directly into Windows applications. Windows TP is fully compatible with all previous versions of Windows. |
THE PROGRAMMER'S QUICK GUIDE TO THE LANGUAGES The proliferation of modern programming languages (all of which seem to have stolen countless features from one another) sometimes makes it difficult to remember what language you're currently using. This handy reference is offered as a public service to help programmers who find themselves in such a dilemma. TASK: Shoot yourself in the foot. |